Organizations today are often scrutinized and asked to demonstrate performance of their own operations and beyond. We apply best-practice auditing techniques, remote and virtual delivery methods, and our proprietary Risk Based Certification™ methodology to improve your management system and its ability to support your business goals.
A well-functioning management system certified to international standards such as the ISO standards and others is a great start to build business resilience and sustainable performance. It can help you ensure on-time delivery, zero defects and reduce waste, for example. An occupational health and safety system help you ensure worker safety, lower sick leave and reduce number of accidents.
Risk Based Certification facilitates a broader view to identify the most critical risks impacting your business objectives. Knowing your focus areas, we can tailor the audit to include what matters most to you and how well your management system supports you in addressing related risks.
Get more out of your certification
Risk Based Certification follows the PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACT cycle. Business resilience and sustainable performance requires a broader view, inside and outside your organization. It is essential to understand all relevant risks that could impact your business objectives. By incorporating these focus areas into the audit, you get more knowledge on the performance of your management system.
The first step is to UNDERSTAND your organization and its context. This includes to identify your long-term business targets, the most relevant stakeholders (interested parties), both internal and external, that make demands on your management system and your most critical risks preventing you from reaching your long-term business target.
You should also consider which risks could prevent you from reaching each of the long-term business targets and which your management system could help you manage.
Based upon this, at the opening meeting you and your auditor are now better positioned to discuss and PRIORITIZE your most critical risks and where to focus the audit.
The focus areas should reflect your long-term business targets, and thus what matters the most to your organization and business objectives. Together you will DEFINE 1 to 3 focus area(s) for at the audit.
This is done at the same time as checking compliance with your selected standard(s), such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 or FSSC 22000. The focus area(s) provide structure to the audit, allowing us to assess what matters most to you, while auditing that your management system meets the requirements of your selected standard(s).
This is done without added cost or time. The immediate output is the audit REPORT which will includes list of findings, focus area performance and the Management Summary for a quick insight on what is most important for you to use toward your management team.
What you learn from the audit can help you IMPROVE your management system. It will help you identify mitigating actions to a broader set of challenges – operational challenges today but also more long-term objectives, thus laying a foundation for sustainable business performance and improve your ability to respond to stakeholder demands.
What do you get?
Risk Based Certification is designed to help you get more out of every audit. Compliance with the standard(s) requirements results in a certificate securely stored on our blockchain, but in addition you get:
- A broader view of the most critical risks and audit insight enabling your ability to manage issues.
- A highly skilled, experienced auditor trained to focus the audit on matters that are most important to you while checking compliance to selected standard(s).
- An audit report with insight on how well your management system supports the selected focus areas.
- Knowledge that can help you improve your management system’s ability to support your long-term business targets and thus sustainable business performance.