
Synergi Life for Dutch rail safety

ProRail relies on Synergi Life

ProRail, the infrastructure manager of the Dutch railway network, relies on Synergi Life risk management software to support their principal task: ensuring capacity, reliability and safety on and around the tracks.

The transition from their old database to Synergi Life was performed smoothly and the migration of historical data enabled ProRail to build on data from previous years. ProRail is further developing the company's use of the software and has therefore bought a corporate licence. This means that all ProRail employees are able to extract information from the system.

Benefits for ProRail

  • All relevant data concering incidents, audits and inspections on a national basis are registered in Synergi Life. This makes ProRail able to keep better track of investigations and the outcome of the improvement actions taken.
  • By providing insight into the main risks, Synergi Life contributes to the efficiency ProRail needs when transporting over one million passengers and 80,000 tonnes of freight daily

Top reasons why we chose Synergi Life:

  • Pro-Rail sees Synergi Life as particularly useful because the follow-up of all incidents (incident reporting software) is guaranteed, as there is no way of closing a case before it has been dealt with properly
  • A monthly report based on the Synergi Life data provides the basis for the work of all safety advisors

This is what we gained:

  • Most competing packages are good on either output or input. Synergi does both.


Maintains and expands the Dutch railway infrastructure now covering more than 6500 kilometres of tracks in the Netherlands. Employs approximately 2600 people.

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