Animal Feed & Ingredients - GMP+ FSA, FAMI-QS and FSSC 22000

Improve methods of identifying and managing food safety risks and consistently meet customer expectations.

Certification of your animal feed and ingredients safety management system demonstrates your commitment to a sustainable and safe food chain, consistency, continual improvement and customer satisfaction. These are tangible business benefits that play an important part in building a transparent and sustainable business performance and build consumer confidence in the food chain.

What are Animal feed & ingredients - GMP+ FSA, FAMI-QS and FSSC 22000

These are three independent, but related standards or codes providing requirements for implementing measures necessary to ensure feed safety and quality of products manufactured by processes.

Applicable to any feed manufacturer, the standards are based on a number of quality assurance principles including a strong compliance focus, sourcing of ingredients, motivation and implication of top management and staff, the process approach and continual improvement. All three require identifying and documenting the specific feed safety hazards – related to the final food or feed product – and the relevant control measures according to HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points) principles.


GMP+ International B.V. (formerly known as: The Dutch Animal Feed Board (PDV)) has developed the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance. GMP+ FSA is a complete module for the assurance of feed safety in all the areas of the feed chain. Based on needs in practice, multiple components have been integrated into the GMP+ FSA module, based on the requirements for the quality management system (ISO 9001), HACCP, product standards, traceability, monitoring, prerequisites programs, chain approach and the early warning system. In addition, laboratories which carry out analyses may be certified and/or registered.


FAMI-QS is a global Quality and Feed Safety Management System for the sector of specialty feed ingredients. The FAMI-QS Code provides requirements for implementing measures necessary to ensure feed safety and quality of products, ingredients made by chemical, bioprocessing, mining, extraction, mixing and formulation processes. The Code includes dedicated HACCP plans for the processes under the scope and is aligned with ISO High Level Structure for Management Systems and prerequisite programs ISO/TS 22002 – Part 6 and FSMA CGMP Animal Food.

FSSC 22000

FSSC 22000 certification scheme, developed by the Foundation for Food Safety Certification, also includes a module for feed safety. It is based on ISO 22000 and is aligned with ISO High Level Structure; it builds on prerequisite programs, as detailed in the animal feed specific ISO TS 22002-6 and includes HACCP principles.

Benefits of becoming certified

By achieving certification, your company can demonstrably guarantee that animal feeds and animal feed ingredients meet the legal rules and the requirements which have been agreed with the parties in the chain. The certification enables your organization to: Build trust in your system’s performance internally and externally by applying appropriate management principles within the organization.

  • Communicate confidence to the customers, demonstrating that the feed or feed ingredients are produced by means of safe processes.
  • Prove that all reasonable precautions have been taken.
  • Allow the customers to demand certification and assessment of suppliers, if they operate in a country with a strong feed safety legislative framework
  • Reduce the number of audits carried out by the customers and, consequently, save costs and management time.

Getting started

To be certified, you first need to implement an effective safety & quality management system complying with the standards’ requirements and in particular relevant control measures (HACCP system). DNV is an accredited third-party certification body and can help you throughout the journey starting from relevant training to self-assessments, gap analysis and certification services.

Learn more about how to get started on the road to certification

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