Human Services Quality Standards – HSQS

Human Services Quality Standards (HSQS) forms a structural blueprint that provides the essential framework to effectively and efficiently manage and improve all processes within disability support services.

Overview of Scheme:

Dept of Human Services Standards (DHS) forms a structural blueprint that provides the essential framework to effectively and efficiently manage and improve all processes within disability support services funded by Dept of Human Services Queensland, this scheme seeks to: Overview Of Scheme:
  • Achieve a culture of consistent quality and continuous improvement across the disability sector in Queensland
  • Ensure equity across government and non-government services.
  • Ensure that the delivery of services is responsive to needs of people with a disability, their families and carers
  • Strengthen safeguards for people with a disability
The Standards and independent review process seek to ensure that people experience the same quality of service no matter which service provider they access. The Standards aim to: 
  • Embed and promote rights for people accessing services Assure the community that service providers are providing services that meet clients’ needs 
  • Develop a common and systemic approach to quality review processes 
  • Build greater transparency in quality requirements between the department, service providers, clients and the community 
  • Enable service providers to select an independent review body from an approved panel that meets their requirements and expectations 
  • Foster a culture of continuous quality improvement that is embedded in everyday practice and supports the meaningful participation of people in giving feedback about the services they require and the quality of services they receive 
  • Reduce red tape to help ensure service providers have more time and resources to provide services by reducing the number of quality reviews they are required to undertake. 
These may include, but not limited to the following services: 
  • Accommodation 
  • Day Programs 
  • Respite Housing and Homelessness 
Services recurrently funded or supplied by Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services and or Dept of Human Service QLD must participate in the scheme (unless exempted). 

Benefits To Your Business 
  • Receive independent verification of your organisation’s Quality Management System – Department of Human Services Standards (DHS) by our qualified and experienced Lead Auditors and Audit Trained Service Users 
  • Replaces multiple audits by departmental audits against the supporting 101 standards that apply to non-employment agencies 
  • Minimises duplications with other accountability and performance arrangements 
  • Remains consistent with National Disability Services Quality Framework 
  • Consumers will be offered information about the audit process and independent advocacy support to engage in the process, prior to any consent being obtained. Consumers shall be invited to participate in the whole audit process including opening and closing meetings 
  • Participation by consumers in audits is at all times voluntary and shall be based on the principle of consent. Where possible, consent for file review and interview shall be in writing. Where consumer is uncertain to provide, independent advocate should determine appropriate level of involvement by the consumer. Where written consent is not obtained, records for the reason, and evidence supporting the assumption that consent was sought and has been obtained 
  • If you wish to transfer your certification across to ISC – A DNV Company, this process will be in accordance with IAF MD 2:2007 
  • Consumers shall be invited to the opening and closing meetings of all audits (if appropriate)