ISO 26262 – Functional safety for road vehicles

Addressing the specific needs of the automotive industry in the area of Electrical and/or Electronic systems functional safety.

Benefits of ISO 26262 

Implementing ISO 26262 ensures that a high level of safety is built into car components right from the start. The standard can be used to establish a safety management system based on internationally recognized best practices and the latest approach to risk management, giving you a competitive edge. It is expected that car manufacturers will use compliance to ISO 26262 as a means to qualify components and potential suppliers of E/E components. 

What is ISO 26262?

ISO 26262 is a multipart standard defining requirements and providing guidelines for achieving functional safety in E/E systems installed in road vehicles. The standard ISO 26262 is considered a best practice framework for achieving functional safety in road vehicles.

The framework provided by ISO 26262 deals with the functional safety of: 

  • Products: The standard requires a safety case and a number of confirmation measures to be applied during the product life cycle 
  • Processes: The standard requires specific life cycle processes to be implemented within a safety management system driven by a risk-based approach. 

How can we help? 

We offer a range of services to help companies working to adopt the ISO 26262 standard. 

Our services include: 

Training (Basic)  

Our training offer includes short introductory courses or executive overviews aimed at providing basic knowledge on the purpose, application, structure and content of the standard. 

Training (Advanced) 

The advanced course addresses each individual part of the standard, enhancing the skills of safety engineers in the various disciplines (system, hardware, software) with respect to the concepts of risk analysis and risk mitigation. The training also targets various levels, e.g. supervised practitioners, practitioners and experts. 

Process management training 

We also provide training that targets the process management competence within the areas of establishing, planning and monitoring product, hardware or software lifecycle processes. In addition we help improve specific competences within the area of safety assurance for the execution of effective confirmation measures on products and processes. 

Personnel certification 

If training is established as a prerequisite coupled with field experience within the different areas of safety management, personnel certification can be used to verify the different safety engineer levels: supervised practitioner, practitioner and expert. We can provide personnel certification schemes and assessments. 

Readiness assessment 

This assessment measures to what degree you are compliant with the standard. The report from our gap analysis identifies gaps that need to be filled in order to comply with ISO 26262. The assessment focuses on alignment with best practices more than just a conformity certification approach, giving you a clearer picture of how to reach full compliance. 

Scored assessment (rating protocol) 

The scored assessment focuses on processes rather than products. The scored assessment will allow you to evaluate your organization’s level of maturity/capability of your processes in order to initiate process improvements following the capability/maturity path while maintaining alignment with the ISO 26262 requirements. 

Confirmation measure (verification) 

The ISO 26262 standard requires that you have in place confirmation measures that are all aimed at ensuring that the required safety integrity level is achieved in the E/E component or product. DNV - Business Assurance can provide personnel for all confirmation measures in ISO 26262. These include:

  • Confirmation reviews that intend to check the compliance of selected work products to the corresponding requirements of ISO 26262
  • Functional safety audits that evaluate the implementation of the processes required for the functional safety activities
  • Functional safety assessments that evaluate the functional safety achieved by the item in question.
  • Based upon the safety integrity level required for a specific item, the confirmation measures will be performed with various degrees of independence of the reviewer/auditor/assessor from the project involved in the development activities.

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