National Standards for Disability Services

NSDS are the National Standards that Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE’s) and Disability Employment Service Providers need to meet in order to receive funding from the Australian Government.


National Standards For Disability Services – NSDS are the National Standards that Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE’s) and Disability Employment Service Providers need to meet in order to receive funding from the Australian Government.Disability service providers provide direct support and care for people with but not limited to one or more of an intellectual, physical, sensory or neurological disability and acquired brain injury primary disability.  

DSS fund all ADE and Employment agencies under the National Standards for Disability Services – NSDS to assist people with disabilities to overcome barriers (such as physical access, discriminatory attitudes, abuse and neglect ) that impact on their daily life and their ability to participate in the either provided work through ADE’s or help them gain employment in the Employment Service Provision  

There are now 6 standards within the National Standards for Disability Services Scheme – NSDS.

DNV's Key Principals of NSDS Certification:

The scheme requirements are aligned with the JAS-ANZ HS Scheme part 2. 
  • A Customer Focus 
  • Business Leadership and Helping you and your business 
  • Involvement of People 
  • Process Approach 
  • System Approach 
  • Continual Improvement 
  • Factual Approach to Decision Making 
  • Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship

Benefits To Your Business

  • Receive independent verification of your organisation’s Quality Management System – National Standards For Disability Services – NSDS by our qualified and experienced Lead Auditors and Audit Trained Service Users 
  • Replaces multiple audits by departmental audits against the supporting 101 standards that apply to non-employment agencies 
  • Minimises duplication's with other accountability and performance arrangements
  • Remains consistent with National Disability Services Quality Framework
  • Customers will be offered information about the audit process and independent advocacy support to engage in the process, prior to any consent being obtained. Consumers shall be invited to participate in the whole audit process including opening and closing meetings 
  • Participation by consumers in audits is at all times voluntary and shall be based on the principle of consent. Where possible, consent for file review and interview shall be in writing. Where consumer is uncertain to provide, independent advocate should determine appropriate level of involvement by the consumer. Where written consent is not obtained, records for the reason, and evidence supporting the assumption that consent was sought and has been obtained
  • Transfer of certification to or away from DNV will be in accordance with IAF MD 2:2007 Transfer of Accredited Certification of Management Systems 
  • Consumers shall be invited to the opening and closing meetings of all audits (if appropriate)