Product Mark

“A certification scheme where you demonstrate that your product or material conforms to a standard”

Overview of Scheme:

ProductMark is a DNV certification scheme required by manufactures to show compliance with a product standard. The purpose of the scheme is to provide confidence to industry, regulators and consumers that products certified under the scheme meet the requirements of the specified standard or specification. DNV ProductMark scheme is accredited by JAS-ANZ.

This program covers product certification in general with the inclusion of plumbing and drainage products intended for connection to the water and sewerage infrastructure. It also applies to strategic products purchased by the water companies for use in water and sewerage infrastructure and which are covered under the industry’s product appraisal scheme. DNV Product Mark on a product is an independent assurance to the customer that the product has undergone a rigorous audit and testing program. The scheme includes different levels of certification according to the level specified by industry or regulators.

The product certification scheme is a system 5 certification scheme which requires annual audits of the manufacturing facility in addition to product type testing, according to the requirements of the relevant standard.

If your organization wishes to demonstrate through third party ProductMark certification that a particular product or material conforms to a standard. The process of certification involves design evaluation and independent testing to determine product compliance with the standard. Product samples will be independently selected for type testing in accordance with the nominated standard or specification.  The product is tested for compliance with the relevant product standard or specification preferably by a laboratory holding relevant Accreditation for the tests concerned in agreement with the Client. The test report and any other relevant documents will be reviewed by DNV for compliance with the Standard or specification.

An audit of the manufacturer’s quality plan is undertaken. The audit is against the requirements spelled out in the Product Certification Program. The requirements are based on ISO 9001:2015, the International Standard for Quality Management Systems but not all elements of that standard are included. The scope is also narrow, applying only to the quality plan for the product/s in question. The audit of the applicant's quality plan is normally carried out in two stages.

The first stage is a documentation review of the quality plan against the requirements of the Product Certification Program and the relevant product standards or specifications. The review is to ensure that the plan will provide sufficient confidence of consistent compliance with the specified standards. The second stage is an audit of the quality plan in operation at the manufacturer’s premises. For companies that already hold certification to one of the ISO 9000 Standards it may be possible for the audit to be conducted by the manufacturer’s existing certification body. Your client manager will be able to tell you if this option is applicable.

If the quality plan audit and the product testing is a success and your organisation does not have any major deficiencies (or has subsequently rectified those deficiencies), then a recommendation will be made to the DNV certification authority that your organisation be certified. Upon acceptance you will be awarded a certificate confirming your organisation’s registration as a Certified Product Assured Company. The Certificate of Registration will remain the property of DNV and should not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the prior approval of DNV.


Benefits of ProductMark Certification    

  • Quality product and/or service
  • Compliance with contractual and regulatory requirements
  • Cost savings by greater efficiency and productivity 
  • Assurance to your clients and consumers 
  • Motivate staff by defining their key roles and responsibilities
  • Increased opportunities in market place

Benefits of having certification with DNV

  • JAS-ANZ accredited certification audit
  • Process driven and outcome based
  • Customer focused
  • Feedback and value addition from our experienced auditors and staff
  • Approachable and flexible team –‘you call, we answer’
  • Gap Assessment


Next Steps

Contact: Amit Verma
Position: Product Assurance Manager
Phone: +61-2-9900 9551