Training - Food Safety Modernisation Act, USA

It is mandatory for an organisation exporting food products* to the USA to have an approved food safety plan. This plan needs to be approved by a Preventive Control Qualified Individual (PCQI).

How prepared is your business to conform to the requirements of FSMA?
DNV GL is offering training for: 'FSPCA Preventive Control for Human Foods' to support organisations in demonstrating conformance to the requirements of the Food Safety Modernisation Act, but the training can also be a refreshing review of food safety plans based on HACCP.  

Date:  6th - 8th April 2020
Duration: 2.5 days
Venue: DNV GL Offices, Blackfriars, London 

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What is needed: 
Each manufacturing site needs to have or access to a food safety professional who has received the required training to approve their food safety plan (for organisations with more than 500 employees; deadline for smaller organsations with less than 500 employees is 16 September 2017.) The training course outlined is one route to meet the requirements for a preventive controls qualified individual. 

The responsibilities of the PCQI include, to oversee or perform:

  1. Preparation of the Food Safety Plan
  2. Validation of the preventive controls
  3. Records review
  4. Re-analysis of the Food Safety Plan, and other activities as appropriate to the food. 
Course Content: 
  • Introduction to Preventive Control
  • Food Safety Plan overview as per FSMA
  • Potential hazards including economically motivated food safety hazards
  • Developing your food safety plan
  • Hazard analysis and preventive control identification
  • Process control
  • Sanitation preventive controls
  • Food Allergen preventive controls
  • Supply Chain preventive controls
  • FSMA 2011 Regulation Overview

Who should attend:
  • Organisations exporting to the UK
  • Food Safety Team Leaders
  • Quality Managers
  • Consultants
  • 3rd party auditors
*Click here to view product categories which are exempt from these requirements of FSMA

How prepared is your business to conform to the requirements of FSMA?
DNV GL is offering training for: 'FSPCA Preventive Control for Human Foods' to support organisations in demonstrating conformance to the requirements of the Food Safety Modernisation Act, but the training can also be a refreshing review of food safety plans based on HACCP.  

Date:  6th - 8th April 2020
Duration: 2.5 days
Venue: DNV GL Offices, Blackfriars, London 

Book Now

What is needed: 
Each manufacturing site needs to have or access to a food safety professional who has received the required training to approve their food safety plan (for organisations with more than 500 employees; deadline for smaller organsations with less than 500 employees is 16 September 2017.) The training course outlined is one route to meet the requirements for a preventive controls qualified individual. 

The responsibilities of the PCQI include, to oversee or perform:

  1. Preparation of the Food Safety Plan
  2. Validation of the preventive controls
  3. Records review
  4. Re-analysis of the Food Safety Plan, and other activities as appropriate to the food. 
Course Content: 
  • Introduction to Preventive Control
  • Food Safety Plan overview as per FSMA
  • Potential hazards including economically motivated food safety hazards
  • Developing your food safety plan
  • Hazard analysis and preventive control identification
  • Process control
  • Sanitation preventive controls
  • Food Allergen preventive controls
  • Supply Chain preventive controls
  • FSMA 2011 Regulation Overview

Who should attend:
  • Organisations exporting to the UK
  • Food Safety Team Leaders
  • Quality Managers
  • Consultants
  • 3rd party auditors
*Click here to view product categories which are exempt from these requirements of FSMA